James Charles Inspired Makeup Look!

Hello, loves! I am SO excited to share this makeup look with you. It really pushed my makeup skills to the next level and gave me an opportunity to work on my technique. I’ve found the more I play around with makeup and practice, everything comes together so much better in the end. It is actually very similar to painting, which I am very familiar with and I think has helped when it comes to my makeup journey. Beauty and style really is an art and I’ve been learning that more and more often!

Recently, I’ve been into watching James Charles on YouTube. While he is quite eccentric, he is an extremely positive person and I appreciate his motivation and backstory so much. He has a lot of great tips when it comes to makeup and has really helped me learn specifically how to apply eyeshadow properly and beautifully. With that said, I adored his last look and decided to give it a whirl! I will leave a link to his video where he completes this look here. Keep reading to see how my own look turned out!



I didn’t watch James’s video while I created this look, so all of the colors I matched as best I could to his and applied them in the most logical sequence possible. This look involved more colors than I’ve ever used and more blending than I’ve ever done! (Blending is key, make no mistake!) I started with oranges and deep burgundy tones near my brow bone and the crease to start, beginning with the lightest shades and working into the dark. I also created a cut crease with concealer before I dove into the purple shades and the blue hues.



I even decided to add a little pop of black shadow at the outer corners of my eyes to really deepen it up. In James’s look, the corners are very smoked out while the inner corners are bright and sparkling. I didn’t have any large sparkles to place over the shadow, but I used a light pink highlighter from Kylie Cosmetics to really make that blue pop and shine!


I also made sure to repeat these colorful shades on the bottom lash line. I do this with any makeup look because it ties everything together and adds that extra sense of professionalism. I again started with the lighter shades and moved the darker ones up towards my waterline. While concentrating the burgundy shades towards my outer corner, I kept the blue shades toward the inner corner.

Of course, I finished off by highlighting underneath my brow bone and inner corner with Champagne Pop (a gold toned highlighter). I also threw on a pair of falsies, which I’ve been super into lately! I didn’t think they were of much importance, but they really do add a special flare to your eyes! They give an elongating effect, which makes your eyes look extra feminine and pretty. I used the Benefit Roller Lash to blend these into my natural lashes and for my bottom ones.


The Jaclyn Hill Palette, Kylie Purple Palette (finally found a use for it, LOL), and the Modern Renaissance Palette all played a part in creating this look. It took quite some time to perfect it, but I’m really happy with the result (it kind of makes me feel like a mermaid!) I’ve seen a lot of videos and blog posts on people recreating the looks of beauty gurus. I’m super interested in making a video like that, so let me know if that’s something you all would like to see! I know I’d have a ball filming it!

Lots more makeup looks and tutorials coming for you guys soon, I really enjoy making content like this! Talk to you in the next post and good luck to those of you taking finals in high school/college in the coming week!


More about what I’m up to here! Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter

52 thoughts on “James Charles Inspired Makeup Look!

    • thank you babe! I honestly really loved creating the look on this post, it was one that looked most professional. but I also really loved my dark glam coachella look I posted a few weeks ago! it was sparkly and different from anything I’ve done xx


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