New Years Resolutions & Where I’ve Been!

Hello everyone! Well, I thought it was finally time to make another blog post. Ever since my struggle with Blogmas, I’ll be honest it’s been a bit hard for me to sit down and write again. But that’s what I want to talk to you guys about today…what exactly has been going on. So without beating around the bush, I’ll jump straight into it.

Health Takes a Dip

The week before my Christmas break from work, I ended up getting a fairly bad cold. I stayed home from work one day to recuperate and pushed myself to go back probably a bit too soon. However, it was just a cold and things needed to get done. Christmas break was finally here and my health was improving everyday until the sickness was completely gone! My break was spent eating lots of great food and spending time with my family. I had a few days of work to complete but most of it was very relaxing and exactly what I needed. Unfortunately though, with about a week dealing with that cold and the holiday, my time at the gym was starting to diminish and I wasn’t watching what I was eating in the slightest. To summarize: I was falling into old habits and my health was very up and down.

Hit with the Flu…Again

I had some exciting plans for New Years Eve that I was looking forward to. The past couple years I had chosen to stay in for this particular holiday, so I was excited to get myself out again. However, you might be able to guess what happened next…I got hit with one of the worst flus I’ve ever experienced. Yep, worse than the cold I had before. I had the shakes, a high fever for literally days, and so many other symptoms. I ended up staying in bed on New Years Eve, New Years day, and about four days after that. It was a bad one, guys. I ended up going to see a doctor and getting some antibiotics which helped kick this illness out of me. We were concerned it had the potential to turn into pneumonia, which is why I was being so careful. I usually go a very holistic route when I’m sick and avoid anything stronger than Advil. However this time, antibiotics were necessary. While I’m feeling SO much better now, it took a good 9 days to feel functional again.

Backtrack to January 1st, I was given some news that was definitely surprising to me but ultimately is leading me in a much more positive direction. Some could see it as a huge setback, but I’ve chosen to see it as a great opportunity that I’m grateful for. I’m very excited for the future, and that’s all I’ll say about it.

Since I was so knocked down by this second flu, my time at the gym and taking care of my health was basically nonexistent. I still couldn’t tell you the last time I’ve been at the gym. Before I got sick, my health had become such a priority to me and my time at the gym had become so relaxing and something I needed. So to not be able to do that was tough. Now that my health is finally on the upswing, I’ve been going on plenty of beach runs/walks with my sister. Taking in the sun and saltwater has been so healing for me and has been my escape.

Declining Motivation

Now I’d like to address how all of this has affected this blog and my motivation in general. I have to be honest with you guys and say that I’ve never felt this unmotivated to do the things I love. This blog has always been so important to me even though I struggle with consistency. Never before though, have I had 0% motivation to write, take photos, or anything along the lines of being creative. Even on Instagram, I’ve barely posted and not even cared. I’m not really sure how to deal with this since I’ve always been an overachieving person who wants to grow in what I love. Writing this post is definitely a step in the right direction, although I still feel like something’s missing. I had such high hopes for 2019 and still do, but my motivation has never been so low. I think the hardest part about it is that I’m only hurting myself. I’m not growing or doing anything beneficial for myself in this state and it bothers me a ton. If any of you have some tips on how you stay motivated or bounce back from something destructive like illness, let me know in the comments below! 

2019 Resolutions

This part of the post is solely for myself, but feel free to keep reading! I thought making a short list of things I want to accomplish in 2019 will help my motivation a bit, so here is that list.

  • Bounce back from anything negative with the strength to be and do better
  • Be more consistent with anything and everything in my life
  • Meet new people that help me grow creatively, intellectually, and spiritually (expand my circle of friends in general)
  • Find something that will start a career that I’ll be excited about for years to come
  • Stand up for myself and what I know is right. To not be afraid anymore of speaking my mind, even to those above me
  • Build more confidence
  • Look into furthering my education
  • Find ways to be creative in whatever moment I’m in
  • Reach my goal weight/make good health a lifestyle instead of a task
  • Change my mindset into something more productive
  • Rebrand the blog/schedule out posts more often
  • Make more videos/build editing skills with Final Cut Pro
  • Be more intentional with everyone I meet
  • ATTEMPT to eat less sweets/chocolate (this might be the hardest resolution)

I hope you guys found something on this list that you’d like to do yourself or found inspiration in. I’m sorry for my absence but I honestly wasn’t planning it…I think I needed it though. I’m trying to find my motivation again as quick as possible, but I don’t want this blog to feel like a job. I know the more it feels like a hobby and something I’m not forcing, I’ll want to create more content. I appreciate your patience and thank you guys for reading!


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Why I Haven’t Been Posting For Blogmas

Hey guys. So more of an honest post for you today. The last post I had for Blogmas was day 11…which has been very disappointing for me. As I’ve said before, last year I posted every single day and although it was hard, I made it happen. I knew this year would be even more of a challenge since I’ve been working full time and life has just become much more complicated. I scheduled out posts as much as a could but eventually it caught up with me. Long story short, it probably wasn’t smart of me to try and commit to something this extensive knowing my work has become my life.

I think something that naturally comes with Blogmas is the rushed posts. Except for the people that somehow plan out posts weeks in advance, mine tend to be a bit shorter so I can keep up with posting everyday. I’ve mentioned this before and touch upon it in one of my videos but this year I really wanted to focus on making quality content that I would truly want to read compared to making mediocre content more often. With Blogmas, I felt my content wasn’t at the place I wanted it to be and it wasn’t up to my own standards. I want to make things I’m proud of and when it came to Blogmas, that just wasn’t the case. I’ve also been very inactive on Instagram compared to my usual time spent on there. This has really bummed me out because I’ve come to love the creativity and community that is Instagram.

However, I still of course have more Christmasy things to share with you guys. I still have plenty of ideas of posts I want to make and will be proud of. Although it won’t come every single day, I’m looking forward to bringing the Christmas vibes back to this blog. Another side note, I feel a sickness coming on and I’m trying to avoid that as much as possible. So please, be patient and know I’m doing as much as I possibly can. I know this post was brief but I just wanted to touch base with you guys and let you know I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth. Hope you are all doing well and are gearing up for Christmas! Talk to you soon xx


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